Sunday, August 8, 2010

Moving away from Home to College!

Top floor on the left
Chelsie and Scott

Cameron and Chelsie

Cameron in the box (again)

Cameron playing with Chelsie's 18th BDay balloons
Cameron in a box as usual. Give him
a box and he will crawl in it for hours!

Cameron shots!

Pretty much always happy to have
his picture taken!
In his stroller for his first official
Exira July 4th, 2010 Parade!
Nice beads
Waiting for the parade to begin
He didn't like the big air horns.

More Graduation May 2010

Chelsie and I after graduation ceremony
Guest sign in area

Chelsie and I
May 2010

Me-Chelsie-Cameron-my sister Angie

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

High School Graduation May 2010

Diploma in Hand!
Chelsie and friends at her party

Chelsie and Cameron on
High School Graduation Day
Graduation Cake

Senior Trip to the Zoo May 2010



Chelsie's group that went to
Prom 2010 together
Chelsie and Luke

Chelsie at Home

Chelsie and I

Box Boy (Again!)

Cameron loves playing in boxes
Doesn't matter how small...

Easter Egg Hunt!

Finding eggs!
More eggs!

Looking at my goodies with my mask on!

Here I come!